Failing to operate a bulldozer safely could get a worker in Pennsylvania hurt or possibly killed. It is important that the individual who is operating this powerful machine is qualified to do so. It is also critical that the driver is the only person in the bulldozer while it is in use. While it is being refueled, a bulldozer’s engine should be turned off.
Whenever this piece of equipment is not in use, systems and procedures should be put in place to ensure that it remains stationary. Bulldozers should also be parked on level ground. A rollover protection system should be in place to keep the operator safe, and the machine should undergo a thorough pre-shift inspection. The safety check should ensure that critical components such as the brakes and signals work and that fluids are at the proper levels.
If it is not possible for a barricade or sign to control traffic when a bulldozer is in use, a flagger should work with the operator to do so. Bulldozers should be kept away from water mains or power lines that may be overhead. Operators should be made aware of any worksite changes that could impact the safe use of this equipment. Drivers should never place their hands or feet on a bulldozer unless there is a designated spot for them.
A worker who is injured in a construction site accident may sustain back, neck or other serious injuries. Several months of rehab may be necessary before an injured worker is able to return to his or her job. In some cases, he or she may be permanently disabled and unable to work. Individuals who are hurt at work may be entitled to compensation to pay for their medical bills as well as recoup lost wages.