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What Are Common Workplace Slip and Fall Accidents?


One of the major causes of workers’ compensation injuries is when workers slip and fall on the job. Slip and fall accidents can happen in almost any type of employment situation. It can happen in a production plant, a warehouse, a construction site, or even an office type environment where an employee slips on a wet bathroom […]

How Do I Prove My Injuries Are Work Related?


Most work-related injuries are simple to handle. Most of the time, the injured worker does not miss time from work, or only misses the time needed for a trip to the emergency room. The worker gets injured, gets treatment, and returns to work. In those easy cases, there is no need to hire a lawyer. […]

How Can Warehouse Workers Stay Safe?

forklift driver warehouse

One of the jobs that have high rates of work-related injuries in Pennsylvania is the warehouse worker. There are hundreds of work injuries in warehouses throughout the state every year. Warehouses can be dangerous because of the vast number of moving parts throughout the work environment, with workers everywhere, conveyor belts moving product, and forklifts […]

How Do I Handle a Work Injury That was Caused by a Third Party?

Work Injury

After a workplace accident, an employee can end up with large medical bills and missed work days. Some work-related injuries can even be caused by third parties. In these situations, questions arise about Workers’ Compensation and liability. If a third party caused the employee’s injury, they may be able to get compensation through a third-party injury claim. However, there are […]

Is Fatigue a Safety Hazard at Work?


Everyone has been tired at work at some point. Fatigue occurs whenever a person is sleep deprived and needs rest. The National Safety Council (NSC), a non-profit safety advocacy organization focused on eliminating leading causes of preventable death, has found that over 43 percent of workers are sleep deprived. Symptoms of fatigue can include feeling exhausted, […]

What is Amazon’s New Plan to Cut Worker Injuries?


Amazon has received a lot of press regarding allegedly unfair, unsafe working conditions and practices, mainly at their fulfillment centers. Workers’ Compensation statistics from the online retailer may back up employees’ concerns. Amazon’s injury rate in 2019 was 5.6 per 100 workers. This is disconcerting, particularly since Amazon continues to increase its workforce due to increasing consumer […]

What Industries Have the Highest Rates of Workplace Injuries?

workers comp claim form

Each year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects mandated reports of workplace injuries and illnesses. They analyze the results that can be used to evaluate programmatic efficiency in reducing workplace illnesses and injuries.  The statistics include an incidence rate, which is the number of injuries per 100 employees. These rates are reported by the industry sector. The […]

Is Screen Use Increasing Workplace Eye Injuries?


Work-related eye injuries are traditionally found in outdoor settings, such as lumber yards or on construction sites. However, office work has been found to be a significant source of workplace eye injuries. Paperless processing has streamlined some office tasks, reducing the need to print, copy, fax, and file paper documents. Many office workers no longer […]

Can Addressing Mental Health Issues Increase Workplace Safety?


Most people spend a significant amount of time at work, and daily events outside of work can have an impact on someone’s job performance and mental health. The National Safety Council dedicated a portion of its annual networking and trade show to address the problem of how employers should be doing more to handle mental […]

What Should I Do After I Receive a Denied Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Work Injury Claim Denied

If you have been injured on the job, you could qualify for Workers’ Compensation under Pennsylvania law. Whether it is a work injury from a repetitive task or a more severe injury from an accident, you may file a Workers’ Compensation claim if the injury occurred during or because of your employment. However, denied claims happen for many reasons, so understanding […]


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